Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sewing up a storm

I have been putting my sewing machine to work lately!

In the last couple of weeks I have made 15 scrappy hedgerow blocks (For the Christmas swap), a mini pinwheel quilt (not quite done yet), then since there were so many stinkin' cute Christmas fabrics and they didn't all go together, I decided to make a second Christmas quilt using this pattern...

from Fons and Porter Easy Quilts Fall Issue. I am about half way done with my blocks and they aren't going nearly as fast as I thought they would!

My mom is making this quilt in Christmas fabrics too, so keep your eyes out for pictures of both coming up soon...

Then because I needed a break from Christmas and I have a friend waiting on a package from me, I decided to put the Christmas aside for the day and make something for Jennifer.

This is what I came up with for her to hang in her sewing studio. She loves shabby chic. I hope she loves it!

And when I was done with that, and the boys were off at scouts I decided to throw together my pillow case.

I will be teaching the boys how to make these soon, and figured it would be easier if I actually knew what I was doing instead of trying to make it up as I went along. They picked their own fabrics out and some of them are interesting to say the least.

This is my desperate attempt to get my youngest to use a pillow case. He likes to sleep on his bare pillow with all the little scratchy pilled up fabric balls scuffing his cheeks. He also claims that he really likes the stale slobber smell of his pillow, I nearly gag every time he says that. I snuck off with it and washed it while he was at school a couple weeks ago because it's so nasty looking, and he was actually upset with me because it didn't stink anymore. Boys...I will never understand them!


BAK said...

Holy sewing, girl. Can't wait to see your quilt when it's done!

**MIGNONNE** said...

I am excited to see your Christmas quilt.

Now on to our nasty boys. Andrew doesn't like a case on his pillow either but thank you for small miracles he has never mentioned liking how his pillow smells. LOL! I got him some cases at Ikea and he hasn't complained about them. Maybe it is because they are cheap and scratchy. It's worth a try right?

Shanae said...

Cute pillow! And you already know how much I LOVE that banner!

momofa2e said...

Love the pillowcase!! And yes, boys definitely can be interesting. :)