Sunday, May 25, 2008

I have the Plague

It just figures doesn't it? I had so many plans for this weekend, I was going to take the boys to a local farm to see the animals, I was going to get a ton of work done around my house for K's baptism next week and here I sit with the worst cold I have had in years.

I can't breathe, my ears are throbbing, my head is pounding, and everything that touches my skin, including my dang clothes, feels like sandpaper. I have spent the last two days in bed praying for comfort. Today I feel semi human but I don't think it will last long since I felt ok yesterday morning as well and it only lasted an hour or two.

I had so many crafty plans for this weekend too, I was going to work on some granny squares, maybe a new quilt or find an applique pattern I wanted to try, but I can't see because my eyes are so full of crud. Poor pitiful me LOL

So anyway, just stopping in to say hi before I find a movie to watch and go back to bed.