Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Do we chose our own path?

I was reading the blog today of another angel's mother.

She was struggling with the thought that we chose our own trials before we come to earth.

I DO believe I chose my own trials. I believe that the trials I am to endure are neccesary to teach me the things that I need to learn in this life. I do believe that our path will be altered or maybe even completely changed by the choices we make in this life, but I also believe that the core things that shape me into who I am were pre-ordained before I came here.

I believe that I chose infertility, miscarriages, infant loss. I believe I chose to be a mother to premature babies, and children with challenges, I believe that a body that would constantly betray me was a part of this plan, to teach me the things I need to know to be the child that God needs me to be.

He has, through these trials taught me how to be patient, to have compassion, to love others, to give service, to have faith, and to endure.

I am stronger for what I have gone through. I am better, I am more aware of the value of life and the worth of souls.

I am sure it all made sense to me then, and I am sure it will make sense to me again. I can't wait for that day. I can't wait to be a mother to my daughter, and I am thankful for the plan of salvation that will allow it.

I am thankful for the people in my life who set such an example of how to be the kind of person I want to be. I try to follow in their footsteps and lead the kind of life Heavenly Father would be proud of. Some times I am better at living that life than others, but I know God sees my heart, He knows the path I am to walk and He leads me when I am lost.


BAK said...

That was a lovely post! I agree with you that we chose the paths that our lives would introduce us to. I wonder sometimes how much is preordained versus our choices here. Ultimately I think our choices will lead us to the same place, it just takes us through different paths to get to there (I think I said that how it is in my head!).

Otherwise I don't see how a loving God could give some people such trials and living conditions if they didn't know what they were signing up for. He loves one as much as the other, just gives them different responsibilities.

I love the angel picture - so pretty!

Kim Walus said...

What a beautiful post. I appreciate your thoughts on the topic of adversity and the challenges we face. They truly do shape who we are and who we can be a blessing too. What I mean by that is that H.F. strategically places us in the lives of those that we can bless and in turn our lives are blessed. His plan is a marvelous plan we just need to remember to keep ourselves in neutral so he can do the shifting. That means to keep our hearts open to the spirit and his will for us, his children.