Thursday, October 2, 2008

The B Family Goes Green

It’s focus on the environment week in the twins class at school, there was a challenge issued to shut everything electronic off for one day. That got such a negative response from my children that we decided to make it a week. What better way to show our kids that there IS actually life without TV, Game Boys, Computers, and Air Hockey!

Starting today, everything electronic will be turned off and unplugged. I am dreading how hard this is going to be, after all, my computer is my connection to the outside world, it keeps me company during those hours when I am home all alone, but it’s time for a reminder to me too, I have spent too much time online lately and I need to take time out to spend face time with my kids, to play board games and go to the park and all those other things that I am “Too busy” to do when I have access to a computer.

I figure over the next week I am going to hear “But Mooooom, I’m booooooored” every 2.3 seconds and I may even have to join in until I remember what I used to do with my time before I became internet obsessed.

B says other than the few “work” things I have to do; I can’t even turn on my sewing machine. YIPES! What am I going to do with myself? I can still sew by hand so I guess I will have to find a stitchery project to work on. Maybe I will finally make myself the stitched nativity! I have always wanted one, and have made one for everyone else; maybe it’s finally MY turn. We’ll have to see. I am also headed to the library to check out some reading material.

So I will miss you all, see you next week….if I survive this little experiment. It’s looking iffy LOL


Anonymous said...

I want to see this stitched nativity you speak of. I will be patient and wait a week for you to turn your computer back on.


DottieLou said...

good luck to you ... does the phone count?

em's scrapbag said...

Good luck is right. What about the microwave and the washing machine?

Melissa said...

Have a great week. If it goes well I might just follow your lead...

Unknown said...

Are you still alive???