Tuesday, October 13, 2009

UFO Sightings...

My sister and I, while chatting the other day decided to have a UFO Challenge week. UFO stands for Un-Finished object and sadly, I have a million of them.

My goal is to finish at least one project a day.

I started yesterday with this table. I bought it at my local thrift for $3 and brought it home and sanded it that same day, but it never got any farther than that.

Yesterday I took it out and painted it, and in typical yellow fashion, the color is ten times brighter than what I wanted, so I will probably end up repainting it a lighter color. I wanted more of a butter yellow than a sunflower.

I also think I like it better without the sanded edges, so when I get around to repainting it, I won't sand it again.

In the meantime, I am counting this as done...for now, and crossed off my UFO list.


BAK said...

UFO's abound at my house too. Ah, so many projects, so little time...

Julie said...

That's a large goal! But I love how the table turned out and what a great price. I need to go shopping with you!

Twisted Chicken said...

I LOVE the way you've displayed the pumpkins...fantastic. You're UFO challenge is awesome, too. I'm going to share that idea with my sisters. Seems like a fun way to motivate each other. Great ideas all around.